(1958 – Present: 15th October 2021)
Early Life
Kelly P. Lyan was born on January 31, 1958, at Tahan ward, Kalay Township. His parents were U Hang Kho Lian and Daw Ciang Kho Lian who were owners of “Siyin Store” that made business in Pharmacy and motor vehicle spare parts business. His father was from the Tongseal clan and his mother was from the Kuntong clan. His mother was a descendant of third generation Chin Christian first converts Pu Pau Suan and Pi Kham Ciang. His parents were Baptist church members in belief, Bible study was given by Captain On Za Nang(Retired) and converted into Seventh-day Adventist church and baptized by Pastor Elisha Paul in 1966. He had six siblings. They are:
1. Elizabeth Lyan, is a retired Adventist Middle School Principal and church Pastor who lived in Kalay city.
2. Lian Khan Cing @Pansy Lyan, is a retired Adventist teacher and church Pastor who lived in Kalay city.
3. Richard Lyan, is working at Nissan Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
4. Annie Lyan, is a Mizo Ram Police, and lives in Aizawl, Mizoram, India.
5. Helen Lyan, is working at St. Francis hospital as a Nurse, in Tulsa city, OK, USA.
6. Peter Lyan, is working at Nissan Company, Indiana Polis, IN, USA
Education and Marriage
Kelly Lyan went to Siyin Adventist Middle school from Lower Kindergarten to grade one. The Adventist school was nationalized by General Nay Win’s Army government in March 1966.He continued to study from grade two to grade five at Siyin government middle school. Then he attended grade six at Tahan government middle school.
He attended grade seven and eight at State High School Thuklai, Chin State. He passed grade seven final examination with first position. He passed his grade eighth government board examination with A class that was in the Science department. At that time those who passed the grade eight board examination with good grades could continue to study Science courses and those who passed the examination with low grades continued to grade nine with Arts courses. That was Myanmar’s Socialist Education system.
Then he went to Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary in 1973 and studied at grade nine. He passed the Division High School Leaving Certificate Examination, (Southern Asia Division board examination) in March 1975. He passed the Southern Asia Division board examination with the First Division. He got first position with the highest grade among those who passed the examination with the first division in Myanmar. Rather than other grade 10 students. He continued to attend a three-year Ministerial training course at Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary. He got his three-years Ministerial diploma in March 1978. He passed the course with a 3.65 GPA. He got third position academic excellence award next to Ruth Sein and Virginia Hutton.
He got his BA in Religion degree from Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary in March 1993. They were the first batch of students who got their Bachelor in Religion degree from Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary at Myaung Mya. He passed his BA Religion degree with GPA 3.88 that was next to the highest to Hau Do Cing. His classmates who graduated in March 1993 were:
1. Kelly P. Lyan
2. Hla Aung
3. Saw Thein
4. David Kyaw
5. Hau Do Cing
6. Awa Lone Kone.
Then he got his MAEd (Curriculum and Instruction) from AIIAS in 2002 Distance Learning Center in Yangon.
He married Suan Khan Huai on 10th October 1984 and had two children. He married at Siyin Adventist church and the ceremony was officiated by Pastor Kenneth Htang Suanzanang. Ngo Khaw Nang was the best man and Pau Do Cing was the bride’s maid.
1. Olivia Lyan, his daughter, was born on 22nd October 1985 at Anlangh, Tedim township, Chin State and lived in Denmark.
2. Nang It Lyan, his son was born on 27th February 1989 at Anlangh and lived at Perth, Australia.
He divorced his wife because of disloyalty to her husband.
Then he married Ciin Ngaih Man on 29th March 1995 and had three children. He married to Ciin Ngaih Man at Mountain View Adventist Seminary Church at Central Myanmar Mission. The marriage ceremony was officiated by Pastor Montana Paul. Win Lwin Kha was the best man and Lian khan Cing was the bride’s maid.
1. Mang Pi @ Zam Thian Mang was born on 21st March 1999, at Taung Ngu City. He studied 3rd year at MUAS.
2. Jasmine Lyan @ Niang En Cing was born on 8th June 2000, at Taung Ngu City. She studied in 3rd year, in MUAS.
3. Stanley Lyan@Khai Pi was born on 14th February 2004 at Mandalay City. He studied Grade 11, at YAS.
1st April 1978 – March 31st 1979 (Church Pastor at Saihmun)
Kelly P. Lyan started his ministry as church Pastor at Saihmun church, Falam township in Chin State, Upper Myanmar Mission. He started his church Pastoral work from 1st April 1978. At that time the journey from Tedim City to Saihmun village was 24 miles in distance and the only way to reach Saihmun was walking on foot. Pa Thual Caretaker of Lawibual District office helped him to carried his packages and accompanied him to Saihmun village. At that day they met only one man along the way to Sai Hmun that mean it was a very remote place. He learned Ngawn dialect and he preached with Ngawn language after three months of ministry at Saihmun village.
1st April 1979 – 31st March 1985 (Buanman, Siyin Valley Church Pastor)
Then he transferred to Buanman on 1st April 1979. He took care of Buanman, Khuasak, Thuklai, Voklak, Buan, Laibung and Bualpi village Adventist members.
April 1985 –31st March 1990 (Anlangh as Church Pastor)
In April 1985 he transferred to Anlangh as church Pastor for another five years and in June 1989 he opened Anlangh Adventist Primary School. With 18 church leaders and members he went to Khuailum forest for cutting woods for the new Anlangh Adventist church building like in the time of Solomon temple building. They build 60 feet by 30 feet new church building. The financial need was supported by Thang Lam Tung Pau, Pau Khan Lian and Do Kap Pau. This new church building dedication was officiated by Pastor Nelson Hla Pe, Publishing director of Myanmar Union Mission on April 1989.
1st April 1990 – March 31st 1992 (Church Pastor and Middle School Principal at Pyidawtha)
Then he transferred to Pyidawtha as church Pastor and Principal of Pyidawtha Adventist Middle School from March 1990 to March 1992. He got Ordination on 7th December, 1991 at Myanmar Union Session and Constitution meetings at Yangon Myanmar Union Mission headquarters. At that time Myanmar Union was under Far Eastern Division and Pastor Otis Edwards the Division President himself lead the Union Ordination Services.
1st April 1992 – 31st May, 1993 (MUAS, Further Study for BA Religion)
Then he went to Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary to studied his BA in religion course. He taught Moral Instruction Subject at Ayarwaddy Adventist Seminary while he was studying at the Seminary. He got his BA (Religion) degree from Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary on March 1993.
1st June 1993 – 31st May, 1994 (Teacher at UMAS)
Then he continued his ministry as teacher at Upper Myanmar Adventist Seminary as teacher from June 1993 to May 1994.
1st June 1994 – 31st March 2001 (Teacher, Registrar & Assistant Church Pastor at Central Myanmar Adventist Seminary)
Then he transferred to Central Myanmar. From June 1994 he worked as teacher and register of Central Myanmar Adventist Seminary till April 2001. At that time, he continued his further study to get his MAEd Degree at Yangon Distant Learning Center of AIIAS in every year at the summer vacation time.
1st May 2001 – 31st March 2002 (Registrar at UMAS and Church Pastor at Siyin Adventist Church)
He transferred to Upper Myanmar Adventist Seminary on April 2021 and there he served the school as register, teacher and Church Pastor of Siyin Adventist Church.
1st April 2002 – 31st March 2006 (District Pastor at Mandalay)
He transferred to Mandalay on March 2002 as district Pastor of Mandalay and also church Pastor of Mandalay Adventist church. There he started Mandalay church building renovation project. He started to collected donation for the church renovation project. He worked there until March 2006.
1st May 2006 – 31st December 2010 (Education Director and Youth Director of UMM at Pyinoolwin)
Then he was elected as Education director and Youth director of Upper Myanmar Mission at Upper Myanmar Local Mission Session in December 2005. Then he worked there as director of the Mission for five years at Pyin Oo Lwin, Upper Myanmar Mission Head Quarters until 31st December 2010.
1st January 2011 – 31st December 2015 (Education Director of MYUM at Yangon)
He was elected Myanmar Union Education director at Myanmar Union Session in December 2010. He worked as Myanmar Union Education director from 2011 – 2015. (MYUM 2010 – 148 – NOMITATING COMMITTEE – REPORT)
On February 2015 Southern Asia-Pacific Division stopped MYUM three leaders Pastor Memory Tun, Pastor Min Lwin and Pastor Nang Do Dal because of financial problems concerning the used of project funds.
Pastor Kelly P. Lyan was elected as Local Administrative leader of MYUM and Saya Lergay Kyaw as Treasurer in charge of MYUM from February 2015 to 31st May 2015 elected by MYUM Execom. together with three Administrators of Southern Asia-Pacific Division. (MYUM 2015 -038 INTERIM LEADERS FOR MYUM – APPOINTMENT)
5th May 2015 – 31st December 2021 (Executive Secretary of Myanmar Union Mission)
Then he was elected as Executive Secretary of Myanmar Union Mission at the Session of Southern Asia-Pacific Division on 5th May 2015 to November 30, 2015at Silang, Cavite, Philippines.
(Minute of SSD Midyear Executive Committee May 5, 2015)
He served Myanmar Union Executive Secretary from 1st May 2015-Decembrer 2020. One-year service was extended because of Covid-19 Pandemic and served Myanmar Union Executive Secretary until 31st December 2021. (Minutes of SSD Quinquennial Session – November 8, 2015)
1. 60th GC Session at ALAMODOME, San Antonio, Texas, USA. July 2-11, 2015 with his wife Ciin Ngaih Man.
2. International Conference on the Bible and Science
August 15 – 24, 2014
St. George, UTAH, USA
Attended with Dr. Paul Tanbaunaw.
2nd September – 15th September, 2017
September 2, 2017
Stayed at Mercure hotel at Cairo and we visited to Cairo Museum in the afternoon.
September 3, 2017
They visited to Egyptian Museum on the next day.
September 4, 2017
They visited to Pyramids, Sphinx, Papyrus factory
September 5, 2017
We travel from Cairo to Mt. Sinai with buses.
They visited to Moses Spring, Suez Canal, Site of Burning Bush, stayed hotel near St. Katherine’s Monastery.
September 6, 2017
They climbed Mount Sinai where Moses took the 10 commandments. Started to walk from hotel at 12:30 am. They arrived at the top of Mount Sinai at dawn and made morning devotion.
From Mount Sinai we went to Taba (Egypt and Israel boarder).
They arrived Bethlehem and stayed at (MANAGER FOUR SQUARE Hotel) at 12:30 am at mid-night. They Myanmar Citizen Saw Samuel Paul, Kelly P. Lyan, Saw Timothy Paul and Saw Cally Thein and two Indonesians were keep two hours by Israeli Immigration.
September 7, 2017
Then they visited old Jerusalem city and walked along to Dolorosa.
They visited St. Anne church (Armenian church).
Then they arrived at the Western Wall. Walked along Cardo (Ancient Roman road) and proceeded to Mt. Zion. They visited the “Last Supper room and traditional tomb of King David.
Then they visited Yard Vashem, memorial to victims of Nazi Holocaust.
They visited Israel Museum to see Shrine of the Book, the famous Dead Sea Scrolls and the Holy Land Model.
September 8, 2017
They visited to MASADA
They visited to City of David including Warren Shaff (dry)
They visited to DEAD SEA. They visited to Garden Tomb (Gethsemane garden)
September 9, 2017
Sabbath school and Divine service was conducted at “Manager Square Hotel” at Bethlehem.
Sabbath School Lesson was taught by Dr. Lawrence Domingo and Divine service was preached by Pastor Johnson. We continue to Nazareth and stayed in the Hotel.
They SSD group visited to CAPERANUM and TABQHA.
They SSD group went to Boat ride on the SEA OF GALILEE.
September 10, 2017
They wander around the Oriental Bazaars and drove to see Mt. PRECIPICE.
They continue to travel to CANA and to the SEA OF GALILEE.
They went to Sight Seeing to the place of BEATITUDES.
September 11, 2017.
They left Nazareth hotel and proceed to SHEIKH HUSSEIN boarder for crossing into JORDAN.
After we crossed the Israel and Jordan boarder we visited to JERASH and have lunch there.
They drove all the way to South and arrived and stayed at HOTEL PETRA for dinner and stayed overnight.
September 12, 2017
They left “SEVEN WONDERS HOTEL” in Petra and proceeded to PETRA CITE sightseeing the historical place in Jordan.
They drove to MADABA where we saw the Christian church and world famous ancient Mosaic map of the Holy Land.
After they finished their lunch they drove to Mt. NEBO, where from the top of the hill Moses looked into the promised land.
They proceeded to AMMAN and ate dinner and stayed overnight.
September 13, 2017
They visited to the Roman Theatre in the center of AMMAN and visited an old and new parts of the city, then they ate lunch at 12:00. Then we visited King Hussein Talal Mosque, better known as the King Hussein mosque.
September 14, 2017
Most of the SSD members leaved to their respective countries but Myanmar delegates waited for their flight and stayed at “HOTEL SAED” in Amman city, Jordan country.
September 15, 2017
At 2:40 am early in the morning they leaved Amman, Jordan with Emirates 0906 Airbus they proceeded 3 hours and arrived to Dubai. From Dubai to Yangon they traveled with Airbus
EK 388 with seat C-20 they traveled to Yangon within 6 hours’ time and they arrived back to Yangon at 6:00 pm. Thank God and SSD leadership for their caring and guiding for these wonderful and important trip as a learning for the leaders.
4. March 1972 First Myanmar Union Wide Convention at Pyinoolwin.
Note: Leaders for Southern Asia Division: Pastor Christo Sr., Dr. Cherian, Pastor Kanow attended the meetings.
5. April 1981 Second Myanmar Union Wide Convention at Pyinoolwin.
6. December 1994 Fourth Myanmar Union Wide Convention at Siyin, Kalay City, Upper Myanmar Mission.
7. April 2008 Sixth Myanmar Union Wide Convention at Pyinoolwin, Upper Myanmar Mission.
8. April 2012 Seventh Myanmar Union Wide Convention at Siyin, Kalay, UMM.
Note: Pastor Alberto C. Gulfan, President of Southern Asia-Pacific Division; Pastor Saw Samuel Paul, Executive Secretary, SSD; and Jacintho Adap, Under Treasurer, SSD were attended the convention.
9. August 10-11, 2017 Team Member of East Indonesian Conference Secretariat Evaluation at Manado, Indonesia. Stayed at Peninsular Hotel.
10. Team Member of Secretariat Evaluation for West Indonesian Union Mission.
11. November 17-19, 2017 Director of Myanmar Union 115th Anniversary Celebration at Myaung Mya. Ted & Nancy Wilson GC President together with SSD three Administrators attended the Meetings.
1. Kam Sian Mang & Ordainthangi
April 20, 2005 at Mandalay Mission Head Quarters
2. Maung Le Mae Si & Yarnah @ Ma Shi Malay
April 2010 at Kywe Nua Dauk Village, Pyin Oo Lwin
3. Thawng Khan Mung (25 years) and Ning Ngaih Lun (24 years)
August 2, 2014 at Pudu Zomi Adventist Church, KL, Malaysia
4. Lal Lian Khup and Tial Nei Thiam
March 19, 2016 at Sai Hmun Adventist Church.
5. Richard Henderson (68 years) Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Ciin Zun Cing (31 years)
December 16, 2016 at Yangon Central Adventist Church.
6. Pau Sawm Tung (23 years) and Cing Khat Dim, Slidre, Norway.
January 16, 2017 at Pyidawtha Adventist Church
7. Saw Zaw Htike Htwe and Lia Zen Dim Ciin
February 5, 2017 at Yangon Central Adventist Church
8. Thang Sian Lian (35 years) from Melbourne, Australia & Cin San Vung (25 years)
May 12, 2019 at Hungarian Community Hall, Melbourne, Australia
9. Salai Kyaw San Win (43) and Nant May Sandar Oo (29)
7th February, 2021 at Yangon Adventist School’s Assembly Hall.
1. Wrote the book: “The Power of the Word of God” Myanmar Language, in 2008
2. As MYUM Education Director he implemented English Medium in all Adventist Academies and College in Myanmar Union Mission with the support of MYUM President Pastor Memory Tun and MYUM Executive Committee. (MYUM 2011 – 051)
3. With the help of Saya Myo Zaw Tun and Sayama Kyi May Win he imported AUP English textbooks and used in all Adventist Academies from Grade one to Grade Six. These Textbooks are:
BC Educational, Inc.
# 1 – Enjoying Reading (Grade I to VI)
# 2 – Enjoying Language (Grade I to VI)
# 3 – Enjoying MAPE (Grade I to VI) Music, Arts and Physical Education.
# 4 – Enjoying Math (Grade I to VI)
# 5 – Enjoying Science (Grade I to VI)
4. Myanmar Union Media Ministry started on 4th February, 2016 created with Myanmar Union Facebook Page Account and Myanmar Union You Tube account joined on 9th May 2016. On 1st February 2017 until 15th October, 2021 when this biography is written. He participated in Media Ministry with the following topics with the support of Mr. Thang Pau an IT In charge of the Union.
# 1 – Morning devotion short sermons
# 2 – Evening devotion short sermons
# 3 – Hope for Today Sermons in Myanmar
# 4 – Happy Family Forever Sermons in Myanmar
# 5 – Happy Family Forever Sermons in Chin/Zomi
# 6 – Present Truth (Question and Answers)
# 7 – Teaching Daily Sabbath School online.
All these Ministries were uploaded in Myanmar Union Facebook page and YouTube.
5. ESDA PROJECT: MYUM Secretariat taken care Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventist writing project and finished 63 out of 63 article in December 2020. MYUM was the first Union to finished writing ESDA among Nine Union in SSD Territory.
6. ACMS: Adventist Church Management System.
It is the work of Membership record online. God bless Myanmar Union and ACMS work was finished 100% in December 2021 and it was also one of the highest rate in Southern Pacific Division.
Myanmar Union Secretariat got the Second Place Award given by SSD Secretariat during Southern Asia Pacific Division Secretariat Convention at “Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre” at Bangkok from July 25-27, 2019.
8. MYUM 2016 – 85: Elected by MYUM Execom as Board member and EC member of “ECUMENICAL FELLOWSHIP GARDEN (HANTHARWADDY) from 2016 to December 31st 2021.
9. MYUM Execom. Elected him as Board member and EC member of “Bible Society Myanmar” from 1st January 2019 – 31st December 2022.
10. He was the first Adventist Missionary to Rohinja people in Rakhine State. He went there and conducted evangelistic meetings there with Pastor Soe Maung Maung and Saya Moe Aung in November 2016. 21 converted Rohinja were accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
(1974 -2021)
A. Myanmar Holy Bible (20) Times.
B. Today English Version (4) Times.
C. New King James Version (3) Times.
D. Tedim Holy Bible (3) Times.
E. King James Version (1) Time.