Churchill Thoung


(1959 – Present 15th October 2021)

Early Life

Churchill Thoung was born June 5, 1959, in Yangon General Hospital in Yangon, Burma (now Myanmar). His parents were U San Mya Thoung and Daw Thein Chit, belonging to Karen tribe. Both of his parents were Seventh-day Adventist. They lived in Nyaung Lay Bin Village, Myaungmya Township, Ayeyarwady Region. His father was district pastor. He had one sibling, Sa Win Thoung was a Principal of Padaukkone Adventist Seminary and served the Seventh-day Adventist Church until he passed away on March 27, 2003.

Education and Marriage

                Churchill Thoung went to Ayeyarwady Mission Adventist Seminary (now Ayeyarwady Adventist Seminary) in Myaungmya from kindergarten to grade 12 and studied Ministerail Training Course in Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary formerly known as Burma Union Bible Seminary. When he was in MUAS, he worked as a Carpenter and helped the Seminary as much as he can. He graduated from MUAS in 1985 and did not joined any further studies.

                While he was serving God as a church pastor, he met with a lady named Naw Beauty and they married on April 21, 1988 at Ah Su Gyi Village during Myanmar Union Covention. Their children, Myo Chit Thoung was born in 1989, Toe Chit Thoung was born in 1991 and Myo Htwe Thoung was born in 1999. They have three grandsons, all of them are living in Ayeyarwady Region.


                Churchill Thoung was a very active person in God’s work and joined the Ayeyarwady Mission as a volunteer worker for three years, 1986-1988, in Kyar Chaung Village. After that, in 1989, he served as a regular evangelist in Delta Local Mission, Ayeyarwady for one year and in 1990 he returned to Kyar Chaung again as Evangelist. In 1991 he transferred to Ingalar as a missionary worker until 1994. In 1995-1996 he moved to Chaung Zauk and served God for two years. And then he worked in Yarpangone for 3 years, 1997 to 2000.

                He was ordained to the gospel ministry on January 24, 2000. In 2001, he was appointed as a district pastor to Shwe Ka Nyin Bin village for two years. Then he served as a district pastor from 2003 to 2010 for seven years. He was a good leader for all missionary workers who worked under him. After that Myanmar Union Mission Committee chose him to serve in Ayeyarwady Mission as a Sabbath School and Personal Ministry Director. He is serving as a mission director until now starting from 2011 in Ayeyarwady Mission.

Author: Churchill Thoung, MTC, is the mission director of Sabbath School and Personal Ministry of Ayeyarwady Mission.


1.            Workers’ Service Record, Archive in the office of Ayeyarwady Mission, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar.